Saturday, November 8, 2008


This is by Minnehaha Falls, a park with a waterfall at its south end. The stream was incredibly low, even non-existent at points.


Jane Hards Photography said...

Incredible reflection.

Laurie Allee said...

Scott, i'm not used to seeing rural landscapes from you! This is gorgeous. I love the colors and teh little figures in the distance. Really beautiful shot today.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is incredible it reminds me of the area where the drug rehab I went to last year is located.

RCA said...

like it....

About This Blog

Shot with:
Canon Digital Rebel XTI w/ Canon 28-135 f/3.5-5.6 IS, Tokina 12-24 f/4 & Canon 50 f/1.8 Lenses
Canon Powershot A540, borrowed from my girlfriend :)
I shoot just about everything in RAW & edit in Apple's Aperture Program
I very rarely use Photoshop, and will mention when I do.
You can see where I shoot here

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